Hydrogen may be the fuel of the future

Hydrogen, is it the fuel of the future. It undoubtely has great benefits, such as being readily available all around us, although not in its usable form, but bounded to other molecules. This is because hydrogen in its pure form is not very stable. This can be an advantage as well as a disadvantage, if you think about the Hindenburg, which a lot of people do when hydrogen is mentioned. However when there is only a small leak the hydrogen will immediatelty react with the oxygen in the air, forming water.
Another advantage of hydrogen as fuel is that it causes no emissions at the exhaust, however depending on how hydrogen is produced it can be polluting (but also almost no pollutant when wind energy is used for example)
the disadvantages are also known, it is highly flammable, but this is also an advantage in an internal combustion engine.
Because of the way hydrogen is produced, through hydrolysis, it is expensive and will probably stay that way.
It would be wrong to look at hydrogen as fuel, we should look at it as a way to store energy in a more environmentally friendly way than batteries.

Keeping all this in mind some constructers have stated that hydrogen fuel cell cars may be released as soon as 2017.
But a lot remains to be done, infrastructure will have to be build, opinions need to be changed. Still a lot of people think of the Hindenburg, as mentioned before, even though today it would be safer, just think of how many cars fuelled by LNG you heard exploded in the last few years.


3 thoughts on “Hydrogen may be the fuel of the future

  1. Could you explain the following sentence: ‘It would be wrong to look at hydrogen as fuel, we should look at it as a way to store energy in a more environmentally friendly way than batteries.’


  2. Your conclusion is in my opinion right. There is still a lot of work to do, opinions have to change. The important question is whether companies will keep on investing to get hydrogen started


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